Could you be Greener?
Correx is one of the most popular materials for printing onto. If you look around you you’ll see it pretty much everywhere…building signs, advertising boards, safety signs, estate agent boards, event signs, directional signs, placards and election signs to name just a few!
Because it is lightweight, strong, durable and waterproof it is used for producing a huge range of promotional products, graphics and signs not just by us but companies all across the UK. Unfortunately not a lot of them realise that this wonder material is also 100% recyclable.
Correx is made from polypropylene (PP) which is given the ‘Number 5’ mark for recycling, so before you throw any old signs or off-cuts away you can check to see if it’s got the recycle mark.
If it hasn’t, don’t give up and just chuck it in with your general waste that goes to landfill. Take a closer look, Correx is easy to identity. It’s made up of three layers – two flat outer walls with a fluted inner core – it looks just like corrugated cardboard but it’s plastic.
Any Correx should now join your recycling waste ready for collection.
Most Local Authorities across the UK will collect your waste Correx however you will need to check with your specific Local Authority to ensure it is recycled in your area. If it doesn’t, look for a local recycling company who can.
Many of these private recycling businesses collect PP 5 plastic waste and scrap and reprocess it so that it can be used again which is brilliant and takes recycling to another level. Re-using previously pre-printed materials makes a huge contribution to reducing the environmental impact of the printing industry.
If your Local Authority can’t take Correx waste please don’t give up, make the extra effort and find a specialist recycling company who can. It’s not hard to do and will make such a difference.